Ever since watching the famous Netflix series Drive to survive I’ve been hooked on F1. If you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend it (The current F1-season will be the fourth Netflix-season).

Next to the F1 season, there also exists something called F1 Fantasy, where you pick 5 drivers and a team and get points from how well your drivers and team does in the real races. More info regarding F1 Fantasy can be found here.

However, I thought it would be cool to formulate the choice of drivers and team as an optimization problem, and when you dive into it, you realize that it can be rewritten into a Linear Mixed-Integer Program.

Mixed-Integer programming

Mixed-Integer programming (MIP) might sound scary at first, but it is just a standard Linear Programming problem where some, or all decision variables are restricted to integer values. The standard MIP-problem is usually written as

\[\begin{align} \text{min} \quad &c^T \, z \\ \text{subject to} \quad &A_{eq} \, z = b_{eq} \\ &A \, z \leq b \end{align}\]

where \(z\) is a vector with the decision parameters and some, or all elements of \(z\) are constrained to integer values. I would say that it’s more important to understand what goes into standard Linear programming since MIP is an extension of that. In case you haven’t heard about Stephen Boyd’s lectures on convex optimization (that includes LP’s) now’s the time to find a pure gold-mine.

It’s worth mentioning that MIP can solve a lot of cooler and more interesting optimization problems, such as scheduling-problems. This paper uses nonlinear Mixed-Integer programming to find the optimal scheduling for industrial robots and their energy optimal cycle time.


To formulate and solve the MIP problem, I used the Google OR-tools library that allows for both modelling of the MIP and also includes a solver. I wrote my implementation in Python, but Google OR-tools exists for other languages as well.

My implementation can be found on my github in case you are interested in the details, here I will explain the overall concept and how I ended up with a MIP-problem.

F1 Fantasy as a MIP

Assume that we have \(N\) teams (and thereby \(2N\) drivers), we then define two decision vectors \(z^D \in \mathrm{I}^{2N}\) (One for each driver) and \(z^t \in \mathrm{I}^N\) (one for each team). Each element of the \(z\) vector are limited to the range \([0,\ 1]\) (and integer values) making them boolean variables. Where they represent if a team/driver is picked or not.

As an example, \(z_1^D\) is equal to \(1\) if driver 1 should be picked into the lineup, and similar for the team vector.

Also please note the difference between \(z^T\) and \(z^t\), the lower case t means team and the upper case T means transpose, not that it would make much of a difference but I mention it anyways just to avoid confusion.

In F1 fantasy you need to pick 5 drivers and a team, while being on a budget. We need to formulate this as a constraint for the optimization problem, it must pick 5 drivers and 1 team. No more, no less. This is quite easy to formulate based on how we defined our \(z\) vectors.

The constraints are simply

\[\sum_{i=1}^{2N} \, z_i^D = 5, \quad \sum_{i=1}^{N} \, z_i^t = 1.\]

The next constraint is the budget, assuming we have a budget of \(B\) million dollars, and that each driver and team have their corresponding costs \(C^D_i\) and \(C^t_i\). The budget constraint can then be formulated as

\[\sum_{i=1}^{2N} \, C^D_i \, z_i^D + \sum_{i=1}^{N} \, C^t_i\,z_i^t \leq B.\]

Lastly we want to formulate the points scored by the lineup, what we actually want to maximize. It is very similar to how we formulated the budget constraint, assuming that each driver and team have scored \(P^D_i\) and \(P^t_i\) respectively. Then the cost to maximize \(J\) is

\[J = \sum_{i=1}^{2N} \, P^D_i \, z_i^D + \sum_{i=1}^{N} \, P^t_i\,z_i^t.\]

And that’s it! We now have formulated the problem of finding the optimal lineup within the budget, as a linear MIP. And since it is linear (the problem is convex) the optimal solution from the solver will be a global optimum.

Have in mind that this optimization does not account for special selections such as Turbo driver and Mega driver. This might be in scope for next year’s F1 fantasy?


To showcase how to use the Google OR-tools, I’ve written a short example, where I optimize the selection of two drivers from a list of 5.

Note how I don’t need to formulate the problem on the standard form, but I only need to add the constraints and OR-tools will reformulate the problem on the required form by the solver for me.

from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

def main():

    # Cost for each driver
    C = [10,15,5,25,15]

    # Points scored by each driver
    P = [20,80,50,90,50]

    # Budget
    B = 35

    # Create z
    solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('SCIP')
    zs = []
    for i in range(len(C)):
        zi = solver.IntVar(0,1,f"z_{i}")

    # Constraint to only pick 2 drivers
    z_sum = 0
    for zi in zs:
        z_sum += zi 
    solver.Add(z_sum == 2)

    # Constraint to stay below budget and total points
    cost = 0
    points = 0
    for i,zi in enumerate(zs):
        cost += zi * C[i]
        points += zi * P[i]

    solver.Add(cost <= B)

    status = solver.Solve()

    # Print solution.
    if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL or status == pywraplp.Solver.FEASIBLE:
        print("Pick drivers: ")
        for zi in zs:
            value = zi.solution_value()
            if value == 1:
        print(f"Total cost: {cost.solution_value()}")
        print(f"Total points: {points.solution_value()}")
        print("Failed to find a solution")

    # Brute force
    bf_points = 0
    best_lineup = []
    for d1 in range(len(C)):
        for d2 in range(len(C)):
            if d1 == d2:
            cost = C[d1] + C[d2]
            points = P[d1] + P[d2]

            if cost <= B and points > bf_points:
                bf_points = points 
                best_lineup = (d1,d2)
    print(f"Brute force lineup: {best_lineup}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code produces the following output

Pick drivers: 
Total cost: 30.0
Total points: 140.0
Brute force lineup: (2, 3)

The optimal lineup*

*Without regard to Mega and turbo-drivers.

As mentioned in my Github-readme, I optimized 3 cases.

  1. The same lineup throughout the entire season.
  2. Unlimited substitutions.
  3. The same lineup for last 5 races.

Data source

I also want to mention that this would not have been possible without the data I found on kaggle. It did needed some cleanup due to inconsistent naming, and I also included a json-file of the cleaned data on my github-repo.

Optimal lineup for the whole season

Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Piere Gasly
George Russell

Optimal lineup for each GP

--- Bahrain GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Valtteri Bottas
Lando Norris
George Russell
Mick Schumacher

--- Imola GP ---
Team: McLaren
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Kimi Raikkonen

--- Portugal GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Sergio Perez
Lando Norris
Esteban Ocon
Mick Schumacher

--- Spain GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Daniel Ricciardo
Charles Leclerc
Nicholas Latifi
George Russell

--- Monaco GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Sebastian Vettel
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Nikita Mazepin

--- Azerbaijan GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Sergio Perez
Sebastian Vettel
Fernando Alonso
Lando Norris
Piere Gasly

--- French GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Sergio Perez
Lando Norris
Antonio Giovinazzi
George Russell

--- Styrian GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Valtteri Bottas
Kimi Raikkonen
Yuki Tsunoda
Mick Schumacher

--- Austrian GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Piere Gasly
Mick Schumacher

--- British GP ---
Team: Ferrari
Lewis Hamilton
Charles Leclerc
Lando Norris
Yuki Tsunoda
George Russell

--- Hungarian GP ---
Team: Alpine
Lewis Hamilton
Fernando Alonso
Carlos Sainz
Piere Gasly
Esteban Ocon

--- Belgian GP ---
Team: Williams
Lewis Hamilton
Max Verstappen
Daniel Ricciardo
Piere Gasly
George Russell

--- Dutch GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Fernando Alonso
Lando Norris
Piere Gasly
Nicholas Latifi

--- Italian GP ---
Team: McLaren
Valtteri Bottas
Daniel Ricciardo
Charles Leclerc
Lando Norris
George Russell

--- Russian GP ---
Team: Mercedes
Daniel Ricciardo
Fernando Alonso
Carlos Sainz
Kimi Raikkonen
George Russell

--- Turkish GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Valtteri Bottas
Sergio Perez
Charles Leclerc
Antonio Giovinazzi
George Russell

--- USA GP ---
Team: Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Sergio Perez
Charles Leclerc
George Russell
Mick Schumacher

Optimal lineup for the last 5 races

As of writing this, the last GP was in the US.

Dutch GP
Italian GP
Russian GP
Turkish GP

Team: Red Bull
Valtteri Bottas
Daniel Ricciardo
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Mick Schumacher